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Chelsea Opera needs your support:
...the little opera company that could...

We give thanks...

...for your support;
...for our singers;
...for our orchestra players;
...for our talented design team;
...for our volunteers;
...for living composers who have written operas that we adore and want to share with you;
...for the chance to introduce school children to their very first live opera experience;
...for our audiences who have come to performances in order to experience opera in an intimate and authentic way;
... for the private foundations, city, state and federal funders that help close the fiscal gap;
... for the special privilege to make magic.

We thank all of our supporters who have made these past eleven and one-half seasons such a huge success. You made it possible for us to create and present productions that are consistently acclaimed for their high artistic appeal.

"A diamond among small companies" - Opera News

“…the enterprising Chelsea Opera…"- The New York Times

“All seven singers [in The Face on the Barroom Floor and Emperor Norton], each accomplished artists on their own, displayed at every moment a palpable and dynamic collaboration. The artistic coherence and integrity of members of the Chelsea Opera, both on stage and behind the scenes, together with the energy of the all the musicians' engagement with their audience, were impressive and exhilarating."- Jean Ballard Terepka via

Please consider making a gift in support of Chelsea Opera. All of us at Chelsea Opera send you our deepest thanks and sincerest appreciation... and may you and your family have a wonderful year in which we hope will include Chelsea Opera.

..We Think we Can...We Think we Can...
with your continued help.
Lee, Lynne, Larry, Gerry, Garrett a
nd the entire Chelsea Opera Family

Please help Chelsea Opera to move positively forward into the new year.

Make your safe online donation by clicking on "Donate":

or by sending your check in the mail to:
Chelsea Opera
P.O. Box 277
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113-0277

Donation Form
Chelsea Opera is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous donation.
Don't forget to designate CHELSEA OPERA as your charity of choice!

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Jet Blue Airways

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